Why RSI is a Transparent Inventory Optimization Solution

Why RSI is a Transparent Inventory Optimization Solution

Right Sized Inventory’s patented technology is the most advanced and comprehensive predictive-analytics inventory optimization software tool on the market. Best of all, it’s affordable and can be deployed in days.

In the earliest days of Right Sized Inventory’s (RSI’s) launch of our optimization software, we met with Bob Parker of IDC Manufacturing Insights. In a not-so-encouraging moment, Bob said:

“We’ve found that inventory optimization solutions as a whole have under-performed to expectations; this seems to be primarily due to a lack of comfort or trust in ‘black box’ solutions where the customer can’t clearly understand or explain how the solution’s answer was derived.”

In all sincerity, I really appreciate Bob’s candor and guidance. A researcher’s honesty is invaluable… even when it threatens to rain on the parade. Bob’s assessment was spot-on: since that time, true to form, prospective clients have voiced concern along these lines. Usually this concern involves fear of a supply chain excursion and goes something like this:

“If anything goes wrong, I’ll be expected to explain the error and planned resolution. I can’t point the finger at the ‘really sophisticated software’ or we’re both done!”

Here at RSI, we of course believe that our science in our optimization software and methodology is worthy of trust. However, saying “just trust us” would probably miss the mark.

Instead, we decided the right approach is simply to explain exactly how we do what we do. Of course, some readers may digest our narrative and then attempt to re-create our approach on their own. This misses the point. Our technology and methodology are patented, involving countless thousands of hours of expert work to develop and validate capability that extends well beyond the scope and capabilities of a spreadsheet. More practically, we’ll explain in future blog articles the contextual history of our approach and the contrast of those early days in Excel vs. RSI’s capability today.


About Right Sized Inventory

Right Sized Inventory started in 2014 as a collaboration between two dedicated inventory optimization enthusiasts, Dave Cook and David McPhetrige (McP). With combined experience of over 40 years in inventory and supply chain management, they worked together to turn McP’s patented technology into a product that could help thousands of small and medium sized businesses. To jump start the company, they joined forces with investor Chris Koski and software developer extraordinaire Steve Cook, to get Right Sized Inventory off the ground and in the cloud.


Want to learn more about Right Sized Inventory? Click here to visit our website

Read our recent article Supply Chain Top 100 Thought Leader & Tech CEO Sarah Barnes-Humphrey Mentions Right Sized Inventory


Michael Worden, CEO of Right Sized Inventory, interview by Phillip Slater of SparePartsKnowHow.com 


Supply Chain Top 100 Thought Leader & Tech CEO Sarah Barnes-Humphrey Mentions Right Sized Inventory